A Little Rhythm and a Melody

This has been another busy week flying by with many things happening and it seems too little time. I have been surprised this summer with better weather in a few weeks than several past summers combined.

It has been great . . . what have we done to deserve this?

Yesterday it jumped up to 76 degrees and for a short while reminded me of past lives when I lived in Atlanta. The humidity was much less here but for a few fleeting moments it was awesome.

I was making my way home driving the round about for the entrance ramp for the Seward Highway and as I made the circle I noticed two geese had taken refuge in the quiet space between the hustle and bustle of city around them. As I continued the turn I saw that they also had several goslings swimming in the small retention pond.

They will stay there until the small ones learn to fly and can move on.

Geese mate for life and it still amazes me to find different pairs here and there in places you almost would never expect. They stay there all summer long then move on in fall to migrate south for the winter.

Baby moose are dropping all over town so there are many people surprised to either wake up or come home to the wonders of new life being born in yards across the city. There is a natural rhythm to this circle of life and all of the beauty it brings everyone. You can see the smiles on people’s faces as they wait while moose make their way across busy streets . . . mom carefully watching her young on new legs hobbling from one side to the other moving them out of harms way and into the brush along the roadway.

Today things changed slightly as it was cloudy this morning for the first time in a while. It was cooler and as sun made its way across the sky this day but by afternoon the clouds cleared and it was sunny again. One of the few places where this time of year where you can say it’s partly cloudy during the day with sunshine during the night.

My drive home this evening found me again making the circle to get on the freeway but this time instead of seeing the two geese there were about twenty more pairs with the pond full of small of happy swimmers oblivious to the possible dangers around them from vehicles speeding past 50 feet away.

I barely had a chance to eat lunch today but I took a few minutes to grab a bite at one of my Japanese places where the sushi is great and the crab is plentiful. To end the meal . . . the advice I received from the fortune cookie:

Stop searching. Happiness will come to you.

Not a bad day as the song continues to play in my head.



Anonymous said…
A Little Rhythm and a Melody... isn't that the name of a song?!!
Icewind said…
Oh Yes, Cullowhee 1980's


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