Red and the Pledge . . . Times gone by

I had a conversation today with someone which triggered a memory from my youth and a longing for a much simpler time.  It’s funny how a simple word may bring something back to you like water flowing over the falls drenching you with what you need most at the time.  Maybe I had gotten monotonous in my life, work a pain lately, and remodeling at home brings with it tiredness beyond that which is comfortable.  We need these reminders every once in a while to ground us and bring things back in perspective.  I was reminded of this and looked on the internet hoping to find it so I could share with everyone.  I hope you enjoy this blast from the past and a reminder of our times and circumstance.  Red Skelton said this and oddly in its simplicity was to foreshadow sadly what was to come.

On January 14, 1969, Red Skelton touched the hearts of millions of Americans with his "Pledge of Allegiance", in which he explained the meaning of each and every word. Red Skelton's recitation of the "Pledge of Allegiance" was twice read into the Congressional Record of the United States and received numerous awards.

RED SKELTON: "I remember this one teacher. To me, he was the greatest teacher, a real sage of my time. He had such wisdom. We were all reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and he walked over. Mr. Lasswell was his name... He said": "I've been listening to you boys and girls recite the Pledge of Allegiance all semester and it seems as though it is becoming monotonous to you. If I may, may I recite it and try to explain to you the meaning of each word:

A much needed reminder in trying times . . .



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