No Soliciting or Trespassing . . . Moose that means you too

Here is just a little fun quick post that happened yesterday.

Winter has finally set in with frigid temperatures arriving early this year with below zero readings coming before the normal January or February time frame of normal years.

It does not seem there is Global Warming happening here in Alaska at least not right now as the whole state seems to be getting blasted by Father Winter.  It was minus 20 yesterday at a friend’s house and we were around minus 14 here this morning. 

With the snow falling now it drives the moose down from the mountains and into the neighborhoods for the winter where traveling and walking is easier on the plowed roads and walkways. 

This big bull moose was in my neighborhood yesterday morning and walked into an apartment complex a couple blocks away.  When found it seemed like he might be trying to rent a warm spot for the winter as he was standing in front of the resident manager’s apartment on the small entry deck.

I think he was actually eating the salt from the deck used to melt the ice on the entryway.

This moose is several years old judging the size of his rack which continues to grow until he drops them around February.  I would think it will widen another 8 to ten inches by then.  Notice the snow covering the insides where he probably was lying down when it was snowing.

He licked most of the salt off the deck and slowly moseyed his way around the neighborhood.  He did not seem to care who was around with no aggregation towards anyone.  There were a couple people who walked up to within five feet taking pictures . . . no it was not me but I was close as he walked by.

And in a moment right out of Northern Exposure . . .

He turned and walked away . . . no care in the world it seemed.

Here is another reminder that sometimes when things are difficult or you seem to lose all control on things . . . a little surprise walks by and the magnificence of these beautiful beasts stares right at you.




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