Was it good for you?

Halloween fun is over and everyone will get back to normal.

Being anyone you want for a day can be enlightening for some and awkward for others. 

I worked on the bathroom all night and played carpenter, electrician, and general contractor as I was dressed in my sweat pants and tee shirt.  There were only a few kids to come by our house this year partly I think from the cold weather last night and also that I did not light up the house well for people to know we were home since I was in the rear part of the house.

I did eat a ton of chocolate candy I had gotten a big bag at Costco which included Snickers, Three Musketeers, Butterfingers, Baby Ruth, Twix, and Milky Way mini candy bars.

After much work I sat and ate candy and this is what I felt like after a night of heavenly Mars . . .

I tried to sleep in this morning for that extra hour with the clock roll back but I could not sleep so as I went outside to get the morning paper this is what happened again . . .

I felt better the rest of the day and I can say the pocket door framing is in now as well as the soffit above the shower for lighting.  I continued my framing for the shower door area and the can lights which are in now as well as the rain shower spray head.

A couple trips to Lowe’s for cement board and confirmation of the shower door size to be bought later gives me more information for this weeks work after I get home from work.

I hope everyone had a nice time and saw the beautiful full moon last night.  Today we had the sun setting to the west as the full moon was rising over the mountains to the east.  It was quite a sight and only happens a couple times a year for the timing to be just right.



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