2009 Winding Down

Or The Long and Winding Road.

Recently I started working for a nonprofit group.  I think everyone has some preconceived notions about what it might be or what they might be struggling to accomplish.

Mine is a Native Corporation whose mission is to provide the highest quality health services in partnership with our people and the Alaska Tribal Health System.

We build health clinics, water & sewer treatment plants among other things to the different areas of Alaska.  Another very rewarding thing we do is build the infrastructure to bring running water and sewer into rural homes.  This is one of the neat parts of what we build seeing families who have never had indoor plumbing be able to have hot water and running water in their houses.  Many of us forget that there are still places in this country that do not have the everyday conveniences many of us take for granted.

As the year closes I am thankful to end this past decade with several positive notes.  Quickly finding another job that is both rewarding and brings with it challenges to overcome, as all great things require work and honest effort to truly be worthwhile.  The other is my daughter who has been sick for the last two and a half years has found some treatment and new medications which seem to be bringing her under control and heading for a great recovery.

My office is nice and as I look around in some of the areas I can't believe how nice the furniture is.  I thought, for a nonprofit, we'd be sitting on lawn chairs with old doors laid for our desks.  Nope.  Not so.  We have nice desks that are about five feet wide and are horse shoe shaped, with a nice finish.  I walk into my office and the light automatically turns on and shortly after I am out of the office it turns off.   Very energy efficient but I wonder if I am at my desk and sit really still for a few minutes will they turn off.  I’ll report back if it happens. 

I am waiting for my new chair to come in which is the latest in ergonomic chairs.  I can imagine the chair will be leather and look like something Captain Kirk sits in.  Very Comfy.  Am I serious?  You betcha!

Happy New Year!



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