Merry Christmas Sparky!

Thanks to AMC cable channel it was nice that they are playing Christmas Vacation over and over again today.  I awoke early and was able to watch it in the quiet of my man cave . . . no laundry going at this early hour.

The days this week leading up to this morning were filled with all of the necessary items that make up “that perfect family Christmas” that Clark Griswold so earnestly tried to bring together.

My family was probably no different from his as everyone scrambled with busy lives, work, doctors appointments, and the waiting for when those that had been out of town returned home for the holiday’s . . . then add to the mix our family dysfunction and the stage was set.

"I don't know what to say, except its Christmas and we're all in misery. (Ellen Griswold)" - Christmas Vacation

Dog barking, kids screaming and running around like chickens with their head cut off (if you’ve lived in the South and watched your grandmother do this before the holiday meal, you know what I’m talking about.) the only thing missing is the shiny glint from the big meat cleaver knife but we taught our children well so they don’t play with knives.

Slowly as the week wore on and the fighting subsided everyone came together for a wonderful time.  Last evening my brother in law Mike, my father in law Charlie were dropped off at the local VFW post for a holiday drink and to enjoy some much needed “man time” together.

It was closed . . . so we went down the street to a nice little place called the Old Cabin Tavern which is within walking distance from the house.  It is nice there are a couple of pubs close by where you can stop in for a quick drink and walk home so no worries with driving.

We spent several hours laughing and finding out what has been going on with their trips the last few weeks.  Charlie went to Tennessee and Georgia for a month and Mike after coming off his three month work rotation at the end of the earth on Shemya Island came home and with several friends headed for a few days in Las Vegas for nice weather, no wind and a few laughs.

As he was on the way to the house my son Michael called to find out where everyone was and then joined us for several hours.  Stories were flying and things going well when Charlie made a comment as my son was taking a big swig of beer when all of a sudden I see a huge plume spray of beer coming straight at me.  I found myself covered as Michael choked on his beer as he started laughing at Charlie’s comment.  A few napkins later and the trip to the men’s room I was almost like new except for the beer smell, lol.

We wandered home later to get everything ready for Santa to make his way to our house and quietly just after one in the morning everyone was snugly in bed for a good night’s sleep.

. . . And when Santa squeezes his fat white ass down that chimney tonight, he's gonna find the jolliest bunch of assholes this side of the nuthouse. (Clark W. Griswold)" - Christmas Vacation

Deb and I awoke at 6 am with a call from our daughter Kelly from Iraq who had spent an enjoyable Christmas Day with her troops.  Her mates in the barracks decorated after lights out so they would wake up to a holiday theme decor.  They then took everything down so they did not receive and ‘gig’s’ (demerits) for spreading holiday joy.

We then spent the next three and a half hours waiting for everyone else to wake up on Christmas morning.  We discussed the differences between our childhood and our grandkids in how it seemed all of our children every year woke up late Christmas morning.  There is a no hurry attitude with them as they slowly make their way into the living room.

I think part of the changes is due to the kids today get things throughout the year so it does not ‘seem’ as special as our youth.  When we were young there were generally four times a year that you got something . . . and two of those were clothes.  You received new clothes for Easter and back to school time as there were not many thrift stores or second hand places back then.  It was the dark ages for those of you my age and we were poor walking uphill each way to school.  The others were Christmas and your birthday.

Finally around ten o’clock in the morning as the first light of the day was starting to show over the mountains there was movement in the house.  I started breakfast making bacon, reindeer sausage, ham, and cinnamon rolls.  Deb put together a nice casserole with eggs, mushrooms, onion, sausage, bacon bits, and cheese.

Charlie came upstairs hungry looking for something to eat so we all sat down for breakfast.  It turned out great and as everyone was eating there was a call from Georgia from my sister and family.  My momma had been brought up from Jacksonville Beach to spend the holidays so we were able to talk with everyone including nephews, cousins or anyone else within ear shot of the speakerphone.

As with each years preparations the long exhaustion of shopping, getting things together, cooked and served it was over ever so quickly.

Tons of work and almost in an instant it was over and the kids headed out to other grandparents houses or other places to spend time.

Deb settled back down for a much needed nap as well as Gus who has continuously barked from all of the excitement of the week also laid down on his back, legs up snoring away. 

Things quieted down to a whisper with the only noise being made by “Hammy”, Diane’s hamster (who was brought over so he would not be alone this morning) who was running inside his wheel which made a slight squeaking sound as he sped the wheel around and around.

I hope everyone has great holiday time sharing with family and friends.

Merry Christmas everyone . . . “I did it.”

(last line from Christmas Vacation by Clark W. Griswold)



jeanmac said…
We did it, too, Ice:)
Icewind said…
Merry Christmas Jean!


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