Cash for Clunkers - Replayed

Crazy here in Anchorage with a little snow, the Iditarod start and working on the shower all weekend so not much time to write so I’ll post this one that I saw on Grouchy Old Cripple (GOC) site and could not resist replaying it here.

I didn't check the numbers, but even so, CFC was a liberal wet dream and I know how liberal wet dreams always turn out.  They waste money and don't accomplish much.  In fact, they usually make things worse.

A 15 mpg clunker that travels 12,000 miles a year uses 800 gallons of gas a year.

A 25 mpg vehicle that travels 12,000 miles a year uses 480 gallons a year.

So, the average Cash for Clunkers transaction will reduce US gasoline consumption by 320 gallons per year.  (Actually, I think it saved even less than that...GOC)

They claim 700,000 clunkers were turned-in, so that's 224 million gallons saved per year.

That equates to a bit over 5 million barrels of oil.

5 million barrels is about 5 hours worth of US consumption.

More importantly, 5 million barrels of oil at $70 per barrel costs about $350 million dollars.

So, the government paid $3 billion of our tax dollars to save $350 million.

We spent $8.57 for every dollar we saved.

I'm pretty sure they will do a great job with our health care, though.

Nuf said.



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