Election thoughts

America is all about celebrating our freedoms and differences.  I believe the American people are getting wiser.  I hope so anyway, and I'm sure that there are those that would beg to differ, and that's ok, too. 

Here's the thing that you have to realize during this election process.  Any candidate for the Presidency must raise a shitload of money in order to get the job.  That's just a fact.  It has been that way for many years now and probably will not change anytime soon even with the revisions in elections laws.

Another fact this is often missed by the public is that the candidate owes these people for contributing enough to get him or her elected.

I would like a list of donors from each candidate before the elections are done.  I think that would actually be a better way to tell who to vote for.  It shows more of the people and special interest groups and how much they are willing to pay to have a certain side in office.

Those are the people that the potential President is going to be working for. You cannot accumulate that much money and not owe somebody.  I'd just like to know who they owe.

Seriously, this whole shindig is getting damned ridiculous.

None of the potential candidates out there has a clue about you or me.  None of them has had to worry about money in their lives, not lately anyways.  None of them has ever had to decide between food, electricity and possibly which bill is put off paying until the next paycheck comes in.

These people don't even think twice about spending . . . taking your money and then spending it on something else entirely.  It matters not to them how you are going to come up with the money for this free health care.  It matters not to them that the price of food has doubled in the last year or that gas and energy prices are through the roof.

These people that we are about to be elected . . . no matter who they are . . . regardless of party affiliation are so out of touch with the American people, that they might as well be in another galaxy altogether.

Somebody in the chain is greedy . . . that much I know, as well.  Why does it cost so much for the candidates to have their debates on television.  In this day and age . . . with technology what it is that stuff should be way cheaper?  But it's not.

That's not to say you shouldn't vote.  You should, by all means.  I just don't expect it to make a real difference for a few more years.  We have to keep voting for new folks during the mid term elections, and eventually we'll weed out all the old faces.  Hopefully some new faces with new ideas will come forward to serve and lead us out of this mess we are in now.



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