Another Story of a Life

It seems like this happens more and more these days as I received the call yesterday afternoon from an Old Friend that news of a family member having inoperable lung cancer was texted me so I would know what was happening.  Several phone calls later and with much anxiety details and some form of plan was put together on how best to prepare for things.

It is never easy for anyone finding out news that affect your circle of family and friends but one which everyone needs to prepare so you can be the shoulder if needed or the foundation to give them your support and a pool from which to pull from your strength as needed while dealing with things.

It is a bittersweet feeling that you are honored to be one of those who is trusted to give your thoughts on things but also the futility of not being able to “fix it” or make things immediately better. 

All anyone of us can do is place things in “Others” hands to help everyone see things through as that is all anyone has once the BS is cut through in our lives.  We cannot do it alone and asking for the guidance and strength to sustain us or the family is all that is out there along with the prayers from our friends.

“I can see myself it's a golden sunrise

Young girl open up your eyes

It's supposed to be your day.

Now off you go horizon bound

And you won't stop until you've found

Your own kind of way.

And the wind will whip your tousled hair,

The sun, the rain, the sweet despair,

Great tales of love and strife.

And somewhere on your path to glory

You will write your story of a life.” (Harry Chapin)

I know that this person has not had the easiest life and probably have had more struggles than most of us.  We each have those trials to live through as it molds and forms us into what we are.  She has experienced many things both good & bad always tried to do her family good even when it was hard for her.  It gives everyone strength dealing with hardship and personal strife with some ‘dishing it out’ while others ‘receive’ but all going through the experiences together coming away with it what one will.  Either way when times get tough it is great that all can come together to support one another in tough times.

“Remember the Titans” movie had a line in it that seems to keep popping up as we are on this walk through our lives,

“Sometimes Life’s hard . . . for no reason at all.”

This is another of those times and we have to remember when we feel like we are drowning in Life’s situations that our Lifeguard “walks on water”!

My prayers are with your family and I am here for you as you need anything!

We all have a “Story of a Life”, what’s yours? 

What is mine, how does it play out in these uncertain times?



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