One of those days . . .

Even with a couple of years living in Alaska, this still rings true.

I'm still amazed by the funny things normally not seen in other places.

I go to the airport to pick up a friend, the plane is late.

I wait.

and wait.

I decide to park and go inside baggage claim to wait.

Several flights come in and I am still waiting.

I am watching different people come and go and notice two guys going from one luggage carrousel to the other looking for their stuff. About 20 minutes later a HUGE truck tire comes down and starts circling around baggage claim. I mean this thing is like a monster truck tire. The two guys do not see this thing at first and are looking at the other conveyor when one turns around and sees the tire and exclaims loudly for everyone to hear,

"There it is Rodney, Look at that thing!!!!"

Everyone turns and now are watching these two try and get the tire off the moving carrousel. It goes around the first time while they are trying to figure out what to do.

The second and third time this thing goes by they are trying to walk alongside and lift the tire off of the moving belt but can't quiet get a good enough grip to get the weight up and over onto the floor.

The forth time it goes by one of the guys jumped up on the moving belt and was trying to stand the tire up when a security person runs over and tells them they cannot get up on the moving conveyor and could be arrested.

All of the people watching this comical fiasco smile while seeing what is going to happen next. We all wait in anticipation!

About 20 more minutes go by when one of the guys finally has a light go off in his head and shouts,

"I wonder where the other one is?!"

We are all still waiting, watching this huge tire make its journey around the terminal baggage claim area.

Finally after about an hour goes by and more bags and luggage come onto the conveyor making it almost impossible for these two to remove the tire a decision was made by the airport personnel to stop the belt and allow the tire to be pulled off and rolled out of the baggage claim area. The thing barely fit under the door as they made their way outside.

A second tire was brought up and both eventually removed from the area.

I watched as they went outside and got into a big rig (truck) which pulled a trailer to carry these large tires.

As they drove off into the night sky I was still waiting.

My friend finally arrived about 3 hours late.

We went for some food and stopped to bring some beer home when I remembered as we were almost to the house that I needed to pick up my daughter to come back home with us.

We turned around and headed back into town, went to pick her up at her friends house. She was not ready, so we waited.

And waited!

And waited!

She finally comes out and informs me she had been watching a movie they had started and wanted to see the end of it.

I guess lucky for me the movie had not just started or was one of those 3 hour ones.

Finally I'm back home again after about 7 hours from when I left. My day had turned into another mini adventure.

Gotta love it here in Alaska, life is good.

Sometimes strange but always good.



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