Honking the horn . . .

This is not really a “dirty” story, but an agricultural story!

There was this farmer is South Georgia who had a couple of prized pigs.

He had won several ribbons for his sows at the state fair for several years in a row. He wanted to pass on those fine qualities so he called his neighbor who had a fine boar to mate them with.

His neighbor told him to load his pigs into his truck and bring them over to his farm and put them all in a pen together. The farmer told his wife he would be back a little later that he was taking his sows over to his neighbors.

He arrived, unloaded his pigs and off they went into the pen with the wild boar name “Big Jake”. Later on the pigs all got together and there was a grunting going on that could be heard from about a mile away.

After “Big Jake” had his way with the sows the two farmers loaded the pigs back into the truck to go back home and asked his friend, “How will I know if this took and my sows will be pregnant?”

His friend replied, “Oh that’s easy, if the sows are lying out in the mud all calm and happy that’s a good sign that everything took and there will be little piglets running around soon.”

The next morning the farmer asked his wife to look out the window and see what the pigs were doing? She replied that they were just walking around over close to his truck.

The farmer called his friend and told him what was going on and his friend told him to bring them back and they would go through the process again.

This time there was more noise, mud was flying everywhere and all of the pigs definitely had a great time. Making Bacon was the theme of the day when the farmers loaded the pigs back into the truck for the ride home.

The next morning the farmer couldn’t stand to look outside and see what the pigs were doing so again asked his wife, “Are my pigs out lying in the mud, basking in the sun, or are they walking around again?”

His wife replied neither honey!

The Farmer asked, “Well what in the world are they doing today?”

The wife looking out the window replied,

“They are in the cab of your truck honking the horn!!”



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