Horizon Sun of Winter

I am wondering when we will get back to the days of normal sunlight. We are into our Horizon Sun period of the year. The sun rises and never gets mo
re than about 2 inches about the horizon staying in a flat arc across the sky.

This is the road less traveled looking down my "street" (gravel road) over Thanksgiving. We had a good bit of snowfall in that time period but it has been unusually dry and hardly any snow since (less than 4"-6").

It has been a busy week at work so I think I will sit back and have a nice glass of my favorite, Guinness.

Cheers everyone!

And I guess for those that have cats around,

don't forget to let them finish that last drop in the glass.

Here Kitty Kitty,

Here Kitty Kitty,

Now I see why he never comes when called.


Don't forget your sun glasses when driving into the Horizon Sun!



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