Knee Deep in it?

I am reminded tonight of a story I have heard many times over the years that usually was towards the end of a seminar and was told to make a point. I first heard this story as a small boy who enjoyed Aesop fables and the story was told a little differently then.

There once was a little bird in the northland that enjoyed the warmth of summer. He chirped happily and eagerly ate as winter was approaching. The little bird prepared for his migration flight south.

Pretty soon, the weather turned bad, got colder, and eventually started to snow. The little bird’s wings started to freeze up and nearly frozen glided into a large field. It continued to snow and now the bird was shivering trying to stay warm. A cow was standing close by and asked why he did not fly south for winter.

The little bird said he thought it was so beautiful and nice where he was that he decided to stay and not make the long flight to stay in the warmer weather. The little bird had stayed too long and realized too late when he started the trip to a warmer climate.

The snow continued to fall as the little bird was frozen, his feet stuck to the cold ground. The snow piled up over the top of his tiny body, near death now, he could not even give a faint chirp.

The cow, seeing the little frozen bird, walks over and shits on the tiny bird. Within a few minutes the warm crap soon started to melt the snow and the little bird started to feel warm again. Feeling better the little bird started chirping loudly, excited to have survived the cold.

A cat happened to be walking across the field and heard the noise and approached the little bird and asked if he needed help getting out of the mess he was in. The bird chirps yes, thanks so much for the help.

The cat proceeds to dig the little bird out of the shit pile and promptly eats the little bird.

Did you think this was a happy ending story?

Moral of this story:

1) Not everyone who shits on you is your enemy.

2) Not everyone who gets you out of shit is your friend.

3) And when you’re in deep shit, sometimes it’s best to keep your mouth shut!

Sometimes Life isn’t a Happy Ending Story.

Life is what it is after all !

Our hearts go out to the families in West Virginia who lost loved ones.

Our hearts go out to the brave rescuer’s who gave everything they had attempting to find the miners.

It is a tragedy that happened, a miracle of saving one after so many hours with the odds so against a successful rescue.

The families are hurting right now and it is a shame that the focus with the families and the media has shifted from one of the common goal of saving their men to one so unfortunate by dishonoring their men lost in this tragedy by their actions last night and today.

Technology has advanced that everything is “instant” in today’s world from news to cell calls monitored with scanners. It is sad that initial communication between the rescue team and the command post was picked up and relayed to the families. The fact that not “one official” confirmation of the events seems lost in all of the commotion.

The only “side” I am for right now is the efforts of those who gave everything they had for many long hours to rescue these men in the mine. All experts in their chosen field, just as the men inside the mine were experts in their chosen field. They did everything they were trained to do in order to save their own lives. Sadly with the limited amount of breathing tanks and the long amount of time passed after the explosion in the contaminated environment the outcome was certainly predictable.

It is a hard thing for anyone to second guess the company in waiting to confirm the outcome inside the cave. They probably would be “wrong” in whatever way they responded to the families at the church. I watched it unfold and do not find fault in waiting to accurately give the information to the families.

I can understand the families reactions “of the good news” but also in that couple of hours waiting for “official word” from the company and only seeing one ambulance leave the scene I for one could understand without anyone one saying anything that the situation was not “normal” in getting the remaining “survivors to medical facilities.

That seems lost now and the media and families have shifted away from the important “story” of the men lost and saved and into a sad “he said, they said” that tarnishes the memory of their families.

The media feeds the beast and that is also sad.

Say a prayer for the fallen and the “miracle” and rejoice in their legacy and forget the blame game for now as OSHA and the mining investigators will play that card after the investigation is completed.



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