Spam . . . Eye just don’t see it

Lately I've been getting spam that looks like this. If it’s not about the latest death in Nigeria somehow related distantly to my family wanting me to unlock the money from accounts overseas . . .

Do libido and erection enhancing drugs improve eyesight? The format reminds me of an optometrist's chart.

V A L I U t M

X k A N A X

V I s A G R A

C I A u L I S

A M B I E k N

That reminds me . . . I may need to schedule my next eye exam . . .

Or maybe this, which I have wondered about for some time now . . .

If you do need to take Viagra, and you have trouble swallowing pills . . .

I worried if you don’t swallow them quickly . . . you might get a stiff neck.

Does insurance cover the cost of these pills? I guess if the insurance companies are going to set guidelines before approving Viagra coverage, what measure are they going to use? A growth chart!

I could go on and on thinking about this but it seems like too much effort.



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