August Rush

“The music is all around you, all you have to do is listen.”

Music plays an important part in many of our lives and sometimes you find the music in the most unexpected places. It may be on a river with the white water rushing around your legs creating sounds that is a joy to many fishermen (or women). It falls upon you walking in the sound of the wind or possibly sitting sharing a bottle of Beringer’s overlooking a beautiful landscape.

I found the music tonight in a movie on my television as I put something on to fill the void of dead space noise as I tried to get myself into a bid I was working on. Oddly I stopped and became absorbed in the story before me and the music that filled the room.

Here are a couple examples . . . Enjoy!

August Rush

Opening Scene

August playing for the first time.

Evan (August) and Louis playing together in the park.

Enjoy the music where ever you may find it.



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