Time stops for no one . . .

Or does it?

It’s funny how the old saying “Time stops for no one” is said over and over and if you don’t stop to think about it that might be true.

If you slow your thought processes down from the hectic speed most of us go during work or other daily activities we may in the stillness of those brief moments find that we can stop time or slow it down enough to get back to those moments that bring about a smile . . . that warm feeling . . . or that thought from the past.

I have been thinking about this week and oddly again it was music that brought it back to me. I jumped into the car this morning to head for breakfast and a song come on the radio that captured my thought perfectly.

“All Those Yesterdays” by Jennifer Hanson

I looked on YouTube but found no video for that song to share with you.

It is our past that makes us who we are and the people around us. The times spent together live long in our memory when the hectic day tries to steal away that time from us.

Another Blogger I read is on a journey dealing with Alzheimer’s and you can tell that the fog of thought stolen from her husband has its share of heartbreak and humor. I think lately the humor is less and less and the struggles of heartbreak, ever changing circumstances is taking a toll on the family.

For those of us who follow this incredible journey it has brought with it a new understanding to this disease, the care and love of a family dealing with an almost impossible situation and our prayers & hearts go out to the family.

How do we capture that moment in time and save it for a rainy day?

Do we find solace in the quiet time before drifting off to sleep or is it picking a random time each day to ground you making those difficult days a little easier? Slowing down to enjoy a glass of Beringer’s perhaps?

I think you have to find it whenever you can as each of us has to deal with the days and nights differently and what may work for one has no relevance to another.

Go each day and find that place that brings a smile . . .

And remember . . . Time stops for no one . . . unless you remember.



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