58,000 names and 3 years . . . who’d a thunk it?

Today is the 25th anniversary of “The Wall” in Washington D.C. and it still moves me anytime I visit or see pictures.

The Vietnam War Memorial for those that have not seen it is cut into the ground into an inverted V shape that starts on one side by date (1965) and as the list of fallen grows it continues to go deeper into the ground with the maximum height about seven feet tall.

As the war wound down and the number of fallen decreases the reverse happens and the list of names shorten (the height decreases) until it returns to ground level on the far side (1973).

The back granite is polished so there are reflections of those looking at the names. You may make etchings of the name of a loved one on “The Wall” or leave a tribute to the Fallen if you choose.

They will start today reading the 58,000+ names of those who lost their lives and it will take until Friday or Saturday to finish the list. To our brothers who are the Fallen we salute you for your sacrifice and will always remember.

When I started my blog three years ago today I had no real idea of where it would go or exactly what I would write about.

It started with an idea about a Downey Ball and slowly took off to observations of life in the arctic regions of Alaska and the misadventures of family and friends.

I continue to write as often as I can when not out of town, visitors in for the fun & fishing, and off on some adventure in the far north. It has been fun exploring this fascinating place I have called home for many years now and visited for years before relocating here from the South.

Cheers to everyone who drops in for a laugh . . .

Thanks for the emails and comments they are appreciated . . .

This adventure continues . . .



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