Don’t you want to be an astronaut?

Being from the baby boomer generation growing up as a young boy that when you grew up you wanted to be an Astronaut. We were in the time of a great space race with the Russians to be the first to step foot on the Moon.

Those were glorious times and everyone had a common purpose in bringing us toward the goal of men on the moon. Thousands of people worked to bring about new technology, new ideas, and a spirit of wonder in the possibilities of all things that may come from such an endeavor. We were introduced to Tang as our breakfast drink and shortly the computer. They filled whole buildings then inside refrigerated rooms so it’s funny now to see a laptop with more ability than a building full of computers back then. Our technology and packaging has come a long way in just a few years.

That spirit seems to have passed somewhat as we have had our tragedies over the years within the space program. Many of the brilliant engineers have aged and retired now as we have moved into the phase of space habitat. Living in space for prolonged periods of time while further developing new technology while also studying the stars and universe for a better understanding of our world, this is our space program today.

I’m still just a kid at heart when I see there is another Shuttle flight as during my youth there were many opportunities that we drove from Atlanta down to Florida to see a launch. I first saw the Gemini launches and later the Apollo liftoffs but it was when we finally were heading to the moon and the giant Saturn V rockets were used that it truly showed our resolve in getting to the moon. It was almost magical to see the flight lift into the sky for a few seconds and then feel the vibrations coming from several miles away finally reach you along with the thunderous noise rising towards the heavens. Those were the times.

Today I read of the multiple spacewalks repairing and adding to the international space station that orbits the earth and again I feel like we are heading into a fantastic future. A future not without drawbacks it seems.

First there was Tang now this during the latest mission. A Urine Recycler.

Yes, you correctly read that and I know it makes you want to sign up today to be one of the first astronauts to give it a try.


They have found a way to recycle urine into drinking water. I am sure it is with some version of reverse osmosis but when I think of that cool satisfying drink of water . . . I really hadn’t thought about it coming from myself. According to the article, the astronauts are yelling, "Yippee!" And they are readying themselves to do the happy dance.

Will it become the next sensation bought over the internet on eBay or Craig list? Can you imagine the commercials for the Urine Recycler when it becomes available for the masses?

Introducing . . . the Urine Recycle Extractor Apparatus.

Try our new and improved U.R.E.A. that acts as a urine recycler. We know that in these trying days, water shortage is on everyone’s mind and water storage is of the utmost importance. Just insert the tube and watch your water supply grow. We've invented a soft, rubber tip that goes in easily and with very little pain. Our storage tanks are chemically lined to fight away any embarrassing odor to begin the recycling process.

If you order now we'll include a free urine tank belt for that active sports person. You can now ski, jog, or participate in almost any activity with a refreshing drink close at hand without the hassle of stopping for a cold one. It comes in leopard skin, daisies, camo or forest green. Just snap on your tanks and go anywhere.

Order now for that special someone in your life. Clean cool water for yourself and your entire family.

If you order now you can get your U.R.E.A. for a special low price of $19.99.

Order two right now and your cost is only $29.99 and we’ll throw in those shipping charges you hate so much.

Thirty bucks for a new and never ending supply of fresh, delicious recycled water.

Wait are you waiting for.

We accept Visa, MasterCard, and American Express.

The future ahead looks promising and sweet.

I can't wait.

Really I can't wait.

Excuse me, while I go relieve myself!

That’s right, start pumping so I can be like those astronauts of my youth.



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