Stalled . . . but a look ahead

It has been a little strange for me that since my heart attack that my being able to sit down and write just seemed to be stalled.  There was much to say and many notes to gain topics from which to write but it has been hard for me to sit down at the computer to write it down.

I have tried many times in these last few weeks where I would sit and start and just as quickly stop not able to make my fingers hit the key strokes like they have so many times before.  It is strange in some ways as I could sit and write things on a notepad but could not bring myself to transfer the words from paper to word process.  I have wondered why that has been that way or what did not motivate me to sit and write during this time I have been in a state of convalesce since my hospital stay.

It has only been two days now that I can seem to sit here and contemplate this state and start to put things down on what I would like to say again.  I have been editing my book getting it ready to put to the publisher but that did not seem to be the same since most of that work or thought process had already been completed before my incident.

Maybe it was the holiday season and the changes that has been the “new normal” for the last couple of years with everyone scattered around the country.  I am sure that having family all over and those changes has impacted my thought process with the many changes that has happened in that time.  I no longer feel like Clark Griswold decorating my house with lights everywhere or the cooking that has gone on for so many years.  Much of that has changed and should not be worried about now as those times are gone and new times should be made and looked forward to in the future.

Year end brings with it the bittersweet outlook for what has transgressed over the last year but also the look forward to unknown possibilities that come as we positively align ourselves to the next “now moment” in our lives.

There were setbacks during this year and to those it was another life lesson to be accumulated with all the others.  There are many who have had far worse things to happen to them or their families so I have to maintain that I am extremely blessed with those friends and family who have given me the love and support throughout this past year.

I was able to travel back home and spend time (just not enough) with part of my family and see some “Old Friends” along the way.  I can honestly say that week was one of the best in my life and had so many unexpected surprises along the way.  I think my good Karma and Zen navigation helped me see a couple of incredible things and have a couple unique experiences during that time.  I was lucky to be able to share it and for that I am thankful and truly blessed.

As I approach the upcoming New Year I can only continue with a positive attitude and live my life in the reality of the “now moment” to which I have some control over.  The past is gone and cannot be changed and the future is not here yet but I can only place myself in the best position for a happy impact on what I will experience.

The future only has three possibilities, Negative, Neutral, and Positive.

The thought process you have directly affects what future will flow into your life.  If you make the positive choice each day then you have the fact of happiness as the river of abundance flows within you and around those closest to you.

Have a great year, stay positive, and do not waste a minute of it.  Do not waste a chance to tell those that you love how you feel about them as life is short and we never know what is in store for us at any given moment.

Cheers and God Bless,



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