Life Observation # 96

Modern Living

I wanted to do a little something for the New Year to improve a few things. In the past I have not tried to take pills or medicine unless it was ‘really’ needed for something particular. For many years I have taken two Advil in the morning and another two at night to take the edge off my normal aches and pains from many years of plumbing or from past injuries when I was young.

I wanted to start off the New Year with something slightly different with a little more in the health conscious department so I started on the first day of the year.

I realized something as I peed yesterday.

Sorry to sound blunt, but revelations come where they do. I had taken a multi-vitamin a few hours before and of course my urine was a bright iridescence yellow. I am told this is because the body can only absorb so much of the nutrients. Most of the excess vitamins just pass through your system and into the toilet.

Later that day I gave into my white trash southern heritage and had a Mountain Dew. I was born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia and have drank Coca Cola since I was weaned from the bottle I usually only drink non Coke products when it is not available to me. This typically happens in some restaurants or a few fast food establishments.

This time when I went to the bathroom I noticed my urine was clear. I can only conclude that this means I have lived so long in the modern world that my body requires whatever is in Mountain Dew to sustain it and vitamins are so foreign to my body that it just excretes them. Yellow dye #5 is essential possibly to my well being. Has my body become so accustomed to the Coke, Mt. Dew, and other crap that probably is not healthy but tastes so good that it is now rejecting those items that are ‘good’ for you told by the media and health care propaganda?

I truly do not know but I still enjoy a slab of ribs or that BBQ chicken I do on the grill. My diet is somewhat better here in Alaska as I do eat more fish and king crab but the lure of a good southern meal is embedded within my psyche and it is hard to pass up those or cook them at home. I have read many times that this ‘health expert’ or that ‘runner’ dropped dead many years before most thought possible while the old fart who drank and ate anything he wanted died a old and possibly lonely death. He had out lived those around him on those diets and health regiments.

Life Observation # 96

Live Life, Eat what makes you full, and remember to find that beauty in your life that keeps you grounded.



JeanMac said…
Moderation in all things - I try to eat mainly healthy foods but the chocolates beckoned and I caved!
Icewind said…
Mine is crunchy peanut butter.


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